Why I Write

Why am I writing the Benignitas and Forerunner series of speculative fiction novels?

(Okay, so there’s only one book so far. Two, and it’s upcoming sequel, One, will set the stage for both series. God-willing, of course.)

The fundamental speculation behind these stories is that the good guys win more often than the bad guys. Conflict is a fundamental component of good stories, and in the best stories, good overcomes evil. But much of modern speculative fiction starts from the presumption that evil has overwhelmingly held sway; humanity is destined for depravity. Save for the singular hero who dares to stand up against it.

But what if humanity is really made up mostly of people like you and me? People who know the difference between right and wrong, and have the will to stand up for what we believe. Would that eliminate conflict (the stuff of which good stories are made)? No, because there will always be people who are disconnected from our standard of what is right. Evil is real, and will always be with us (at least on this side of eternity).

But what that reality might do is lead to a more positive future for humanity. A future we can look forward to. A future where our children can reach for the stars. A future where life isn’t about survival, but about significance.

Are you looking for a refreshing vision of what the future can be if we’re willing to take a stand in the here and now for what we know is right?

Get your copy of Two today at Amazon.com or BarnesAndNoble.com.

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