
Books -- Intelligent Design

These are a few of the books I've read and recommend that explore the idea of Intelligent Design in the universe.

I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Athiest

by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek

The authors explore the fundamental questions of how we came to be, who we are, and why we're here. They look at how several different systems of philosophy (atheism, pantheism, polytheism, monotheism) answer these questions, and develop a systematic and logical framework to argue that it takes less faith to believe the biblical answers to these questions than it takes to believe in any alternate philosophy.

The book includes excellent discussions of how the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe, DNA, and the fossil record are more consistent with biblical Christianity than with atheistic naturalism.

Signs of Intelligence: Understanding Intelligent Design

edited by William A. Dembski

A collection of excellent essays by thought leaders in the Intelligent Design movement. Very approachable content for the non-scientist. A few of these are:

  • "Darwin's Breakdown" by Michael J. Behe, explains some of the problems with the current state of Darwinian evolution heory
  • "Word Games" by Stephen C. Meyer, articulates how the complexity of DNA argues for intelligent design
  • "The Cambrian Explosion" by Robert F. Dehaan and John L. Wiester, explains how the fossil record contradicts Darwin's theory and points to a Creator

Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution

by Michael J. Behe

Widely regarded as the key Intelligent Design text, this book articulates the fundamental challenges to Darwin posed by the complexity of living cells.

Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology

by William A. Dembski

This book is an excellent resource for those trying to bridge the gap between modern science and theology. While most Intelligent Design literature studiously avoids drawing the conclusion that "Intelligent Design" must mean "God", this book forthrightly recognizes God and articulates how the design in the universe that is revealed by science is consistent with the God revealed in scripture.

Books -- Helping Christians Understand Islam

From the Crescent to the Cross - A Palestinian's Journey

by Akef Tayem

The author is a Palestinian Arab born in Haifa, Israel. The book recounts his personal journey from an upbringing in Islam to eventual faith in Jesus as the Christ. The author takes a thorough look at the connections between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and explains the discrepancies within Islam that led him to question what he had been taught.

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